American Society of Mammalogists (ASM): Student Science Policy Award


The award enables graduate students with an interest in both science policy and mammalogy to participate in AIBS Congressional Visits Day with travel expenses paid.

Application Deadline Date: 
Friday, January 24, 2025
Academic Area: 

Science, policy, and mammalogy

The American Society of Mammalogists is pleased to announce that its committee is accepting applications for the 2024 ASM Student Science Policy Award. This award is offered in collaboration with the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS). The award enables graduate students with an interest in both science policy and mammalogy to participate in AIBS Congressional Visits Day with travel expenses paid. Congressional Visits Day will be  held in Washington, D.C. in mid-April 2024. During the event, awardees will receive policy and communication training to prepare for meetings with congressional policymakers and federal agency scientists concerning research and budget priorities. A full day will be spent on Capitol Hill meeting with members of Congress and their staff to discuss the importance of federal investment in the biological sciences.
Recipients of this award will receive the following:
  • A sponsored 3-day trip to Washington, D.C. including domestic airfare and hotel accommodations
  • A one-year online subscription to the journal BioScience
  • Policy and communications training hosted by AIBS
  • An award certificate upon completion of the public policy leadership training
  • Recognition during the annual members meeting of ASM
All graduate students who are members of the American Society of Mammalogists are encouraged to apply! You must obtain membership prior to submission of your application to be considered. Student online-only membership is available for $25 (
Award Purpose: 
Travel Only
Year In School: 
Eligibility Requirement - Gender: 
Eligibility Requirement - Citizenship: 


Eligibility Requirement - Residency: 


Eligibility Requirement - Other: 

All graduate students who are members of the American Society of Mammalogists are encouraged to apply. 

Successful applicants will have a demonstrated interest in the science-policy interface (i.e. student government, 4H, experience within federal agencies, etc.) and interest in further developing their understanding of the public policy process.  Successful applicants must be able to commit to a three-day trip to Washington, D.C.

Ecosystem Management and Conservation
Date Updated: 
Monday, January 6, 2025