Support scientific ecological research where there are limited alternative sources of funding.
We support projects where there is a clear ecological science focus to the work; any other aspects, i.e. sociology, economics, etc., must be clearly integrated into the ecology and scientific goals of the project.
This grant aims to support work of the highest international standard. Applicants will need to show how the work will advance ecological science.
This grant is open to all ecologists across the world, regardless of their career stage, but we welcome applications from early career ecologists, in particular, to help establish an independent research career in ecology.
Early career in this instance, is defined as anyone completing their PhD or being in the first five years of their ecologist/research career (not including career breaks, please see statement at the bottom of this page for more information on what is considered a career break).
This grant can be used for new and innovative ecological research, such as novel approaches in a well studied site, or established approaches in a novel site.
See webpage for eligibility.